Annie Fox Books...

People Are Like Lollipops

by Annie Fox, M.Ed., Illustrated by Brian Narelle


This free Read-It-To-Me audio file for the print edition of People Are Like Lollipops can be downloaded and played as you and your children page through the story. Either play it in your browser, or right-click the link below to download it.

Push the play button to start and stop the audio.

Read People Are Like Lollipops to me now!

Remember to turn the page when you hear the bell!

To install a local copy on your computer, right-click to download the audio file and select “Save Link As” (Firefox and Chrome), “Save Target As” (Internet Explorer), or “Download Linked File” (Safari). You can then transfer it to your mobile phone or tablet.

Kindle Edition

We also have a version of this file that can be played along with the Kindle Fire edition of Lollipops. To play on your Kindle Fire as you read the book, tap this link to download the Kindle audio file. Follow its download progress by tapping “kindle” in the upper left corner of your screen. When it finishes downloading, tap the filename to start playing. After you've played it once, you’ll find it in your Music folder. To play the audio and follow along in the book, start playing the audio, then open the book.

iBook Edition

The iBook edition does not need this file since it comes with the audio and music (including text highlighting as the story is being read to you). You can download a free sample of the iBook edition here.




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